After discussing project details including your prefered image size, style, etc., we will provide you with a quotation and sample illustration(s). Actual production will begin as soon as we've agreed on a contract. We provide samples at every stage of production (rough sketch, line drawing, coloring) and make adjustments according to your requests.
To accurately generate a quotation we will need the designated language, length of the recording session, project goal, scope, possible restrictions, and your preferred recording studio.
A cancellation fee of 50% of the total is issued for cancellations made 3-6 days before the scheduled recording date, and a full cancellation fee is required for cancellations made 2 days prior to the scheduled recording date.
1. Initial meeting
2. Sample submission and quote generation
3. Project detail discussion
4. First draft submission
5. Corrections and adjustments
6. Delivery of finished product in requested format